Friday, November 25, 2011


Ready for some RANDOM RAMBLINGS *so punny* before my educational post from the land of academia?

That's right you are.

My family and I went up to our cabin for Thanksgiving. It's actually been so relaxing. 
In many more ways than one.

Like, how I've gone without doing any homework for two full days?
Or that I got to go exploring in the woods the other day? (not actually exploring, we knew where we were going, but we found this crazy teepee)
Or that the stress of waiting for cast lists is now done with?
Or that I kind of just get to eat whatever, whenever? Come on, who doesn't love eating brownies and 11 at night, and who doesn't do that on holidays?


Just kidding. If I could see you right now, I have a feeling your hand would be raised. Because you're just so interested in my life and I, with all of my amazing mind-reading superpowers, know exactly what you're thinking.

My cabin's also near a cute little town called Walker, where they had this little parade that we went to with my little cousins tonight.
It was really cute, like all of the Christmas lights and the cute little businesses that had their floats, but I actually got candy thrown at me.
Literally, some guy came up to me and threw candy aimed at my body.
It was a tad freaky, and all the candy was gross, but it's definitely something to laugh at.

SO, that would be it.
Time to go write about RHETORICAL MODES. MY FAVORITE.
Adios, amigos.

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