Just procrastinating. You know me ;) *cliche winkay face*
P.S. Never use winky faces. Ever.
Because I told you so, that's why.
Logical fallacy alert. That would be a false claim to authority.
HAH. Look what this class is doing to me.
Who wants a playlist from Kara?
"ME! ME! ME!" *enthusiastic screaming and hand raising ensues*
That's right you want a playlist from me. And you'll get the BEST. ONE. EVER.
Here we go.
1. Crash - The Summer Set
MY FAVORITE BAND EVER. Seriously. Check them out NOW. You can listen to The Summer Set's music FOR FREE on their Myspace page in my bee-you-tiful blog list.
2. Uptown Girl - The Glee Cast
WARBLERS. Love. Deliciousness. Gah.
3. Drunk and in Love - Brookline Drive
Another good one. Super catchy and fun; definitely a good one to belt out with the windows down. And the "I'm in love with the way you do your hair" part is so adorable. I'd actually scream if a guy ever said that to me and meant it.
4. Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
Lets face it. Any Adele song is pretty much a super mainstream by now. But that's because she's FREAKING AMAZING. This is actually so fun to just go crazy in your room singing when you're home alone. I definitely have :)
5. Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid
Classic. Anything from Disney is just classic. I've been actually obsessed with this song lately.
6. Your Song - Elton John
Another classic. The lyrics to this song are SO ADORABLE, and Elton John sounds so good singing it. PLUS it's in Moulin Rouge, which makes it 2000x better.
7. Faster - Matt Nathanson
SUPES ADORBS. But actually, this song's another cute one. Guys, if you sing, these are some hints for you if you're ever in a situation that requires singing to a certain girl who shall remain nameless... :)
8. Deer in the Headlights - Owl City
I love Adam Young. His lyrics are so refreshingly random and different from anything else you hear on the radio these days. This is a good one of his off Owl City's new album, "All Things Bright and Beautiful," which is a super schnazzy title for an album, I think.
9. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry
Definitely a crazy pump-up song for parties. Love.
10. Summer Girl - Jessica Andrews
The country girl comes out. Actually, even though I've pretty much lived in Minnesota all my life besides my first three years in Colorado, I actually believe that I should live in the South somewhere. I think I might have lived there in a past life, if you believe in reincarnations of the soul and stuff like that. But yeah, this is a fun song too; another windows-down, hair blowing in the wind, road trip with your best friends kind of song :)
YAY for Wednesday night playlists!
Check them out, though! I promise you'll be glad you did :)
Procrastination terminated.